Melting point of any Cannabinoid (THCv, CBN, CBD, CBG, CBC?) extensive Phyprops exercise nearing completion

We’ve spent a couple of months on an extensive physprops data sheet for running simulations with a number of software packages on distillation products we are R&D’ing to bring to the Hemp/cannabis industry.

The only thing left that would be very helpful is solid melting point temp for pretty much any of the major cannabinoids. Papers and curves don’t seem to exist in the public domain. So at a cost, we have been creating our own.

We’ve then plugged this info into equipment design on DWsim, Chemlab, Aspen plus software for simulations. We have access to all the above packages…

Maybe someone who reads this has done the same?

If you’ve put the same sort of effort in, comparing data, helping with blank spots could be of benefit to each of us? The guys I have doing the work are career ChemE’s from flavourings, essential oils, terpenes(non-hemp) space… solid stuff

…anyway, throwing it out here to see what comes back.


Did you find any reported melting point of THCV?