Looking for used decarb oven for 15-30 lbs of trim

Hey All,

Im in the market for an oven to decarb my trim on the front end. I spoke to cascade and of course they tried to sell me on a $10k oven, I know that its probably worth the cost. my budget doesnt really have a $10k oven in its future. If anyone knows a good place to find a Decarb oven that can decarb 15-30lbs of trim it would be much appreciated

We have several used across international 7.5 cu ft ovens for sale. I think there are 5 of them total.

Looking to get 50% of retail value. Great condition

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Do you still have any 7.5 ovens for sale if so what’s the price?

we were looking to buy one, we do not have one for sale.


@Idab916 @Xtracthead

They are in sac and run off 240v. Asking 50% retail

How do they compare to Cascade?