Looking for Trim in Cali

looking for trim, located in socal

I’ve got 20,000 pounds of very nice light deeps greenhouse indoor not tested but if tested will pass it’s all sugar leaf and small buds through out it all and hand trimmed cuttings from the buds also and no sticks or water leaf very nice 38 bucks a pound call me I Lee 541-644-2927

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Do you still have any of this availble?

so you got rid of alll that trim or do u have more

Are people still having trouble finding trim in so cal??

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Sell your shit somewhere else

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Hi there,
Looking for a steady supplier of decent trim. What you got? Tks

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Hi, I’ve got A+ indoor trim available.

What strain and price plz. Do you use telegram or wicker me by any chance ?

Price on each unit plz . Minimum of 100 to test it . And how far are you from SD? Tks

Redsorcerer00 is my wickr. Have multiple strains but nowhere near 100 units. This is A+ indoor trim for bespoke concentrates, not bulk trim for crude/distillate

I pmed you on Wilker me yesterday

My bad! Just saw that, sorry for delay.