(latent) Heat of Vaporization... @Boiling Point for CBD, CBN, CBG, THC or any Cannabinoid?

I’m searching for 1 absolute point with regards to latent heat or heat of vaporization @ 1 Bar of pressure for any cannabinoid. under vacuum does not further my cause

I’ve looked through the site and found some references to documents/papers that are labelled ‘wrong’ ‘experimentally determined’ or ‘guestimations’ based on curves. (a few attached to this thread)

NIST, Dortmund Data Bank… not much help.

I heard that the University of Colorado wrote a paper, but cannot find
I imagine that the University in Israel has the data, but once again… no access or ability to find published info.

I don’t suppose anyone who reads this currently has or has had access to a calorimeter for this type of data?.. :wink:

really appreciate the assistance. either Post or PM me for a discussion.

McPartlandRusso(Cannabis&Extracts).pdf (207.9 KB)