Labor Saver - Automated Handling & Disposal of Spent Biomass (Hemp and Hash))

Stop spending time lugging around spent biomass and spend more time extracting.

Empty your extractor into our system and we handle it from there.

Unpelletized spent biomass fits about 200 lbs per supersak, at a rough cost of $0.50/lb just for the bag alone, and that’s before you do anything with it. Add in the labor expense, space rental, lost opportunity cost, and agony of moving waste material around your facility and costs really begin to add up.

Our multi-step process can be tailored to meet the needs of any extraction facility or layout, but is ideally suited to those extracting at least 2000lbs/week.

DM for info.

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We produced 1,500 lbs every 3hrs reach out at

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Congratulations :tada:

Is this service available in michigan?