Kief into crude

Good day

I apologise if this has been asked already.
We are on the verge of running our 2L CLS for the first time.

We have the battle now of getting enough crude to start running our 2L.

We have got some crude already but need more. We have been offered 2kg of kief.
But my question is how to get that to crude?

I have a CLS. was thinking I just load it all into the tube and blast it? is this fine? or should I use a different method?

Thanks for to you guys for what you have already shared, I have learnt a vast amount from reading this forum. It’s my personal library

you’ll need to cut the kief or your system will clog as the trich stalks/shells leave an impenetrable patty.


kief has it’s own special quirks…

you’ll find more information in the threads hit by the following query.

Search results for 'kief bitch' - Future4200


Tell him about the ball bearing thing homie!


Yes please tell me…

as in Search results for 'kief ball bearing' - Future4200 ?!?


you could mix your kief with activated alumina for better flow rates

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