“It happened to our daughter” canadian blogger’sdaughter commits suicide, family launches awareness campaign blaming marijuna concentrates

THC use cannot, at any level, cause psychosis. It can however expose a pre existing condition. with concentrates as strong as they are nowadays, expose at an accelerated rate.


Calling these highly refined and concentrated resins and edibles “marijuana” is like calling opium a poppy or crack a coca plant. It is nothing of the sort. In fact, there’s no marijuana flower even in the final product of these pens and edibles and dabs and whatever else they sell. Instead genetically engineered plant has been highly processed, the THC extracted with solvents and chemically manipulated into a super concentrated offering meant for maximum effect.

Well I mean… they don’t market it as cannabis flower they differentiate it as cannabis concentrate so no it’s not marketed as a flower product.

and it’s thca unless her daughter was smoking decarbed product.

The marijuana industry is a [mammoth behemoth] a multi billion dollar industry. Notice how we’re hearing of these things more and more. There has been a huge shift. Why? Who stands to profit in the normalization of lives lived in an altered reality?

That’s why the alcohol industries and the tobacco industries are such great American failures, eh I guess the programmers who code the games that get inadvertently sold to teenagers and the dunkin’ donuts/coffee shops that sell latte’s to teenagers are evil too then…

Monster Energy drinks anyone!!!

Wait! What about the DMT [pens] and the falsified cocaine that’s actually fetanaol?

See my point?:

Teenagers are curious idiotic monkeys nmw and there’s more legal and non-legal ways to get high than just cannabis that also effect your physical and mental health.

Porn motivated orgasms can ruin the ability to ejaculate without the use of pornographic stimulation. Flipped coin: The pills to give you a boner can make your hair fall out or give you a heart attack.

I could go on with examples.


Removed because it sounds insensitive.

Perhaps we should consider the alternative. If she had not been smoking the concentrates she may have killed herself much sooner. I’d love yo see the laundry list of behavioral health medications pulsing through her veins, 2/3 of which you will find the side effect being “suicide” but hey those warnings on those prescriptions medications doesn’t really count cuz a doctor said you should take it


“ we came home and found our son lying dead on his bed from a gunshot wound
He had his headphones on and there was an Ozzy record on the turntable
So we called our lawyer”

-Dead Kennedy’s

So, looks like the prophet Jello knew the exact kind of parents in this article


I get where you’re coming from but it seems like even though this parent knew everything that was going on even while the daughter was living it didn’t seem like she tried to get her into drug therapy or maybe even try to get her checked in somewhere against her will which is a shit thing that sometimes parents are going tohave to do.

It seems like there wasn’t an attempt to professionally reach out on the parents end. There’s always professionals to reach out to and there’s always safe spaces.

And you know what they say when you’re feeling suicidal that if no one is helping you, go to the emergency room if you feel unsafe towards yourself or others. …

Emotional Second : please everyone here at future4200 remember you matter


I suppose every tragedy needs an explanation and every problem needs an enemy, even if one does not exist. I’ve found D-9-THC has the diametrically opposed abilities to allow extreme focus, and the ability to forget completely. Forgetting may be irritating (this will fix the world—I forgot) but the focus is where I see danger to a mind lacking in the strength to break obsessive impulses.

You start thinking about cops and that starts a cycle which if allowed to continue turns into the complete belief that a FBI swat team is about to kick down the door. My mind is strong enough to break a spiral like that. More of a risk to an inexperienced brain.

The claim that the Devil is concentrates is a conclusion of a grieving or ignorant person. When I consider some of the complete shit we process, I won’t touch flower. All the concentrates we make are tested and we know what’s in it, and also the lack of hazards as defined by the government. The concentrates are actually the purest cannabis materials available. Much more like a pharmaceutical than a street drug.

But blame the evil pot and mention, then ignore, the effect of the Canadian governments total and complete cluster F–ian response to COVID has done obliterating a generation of children.



It’s what they call in medicine a “cofactor”.

Does it mean it’s the villain? I dunno.

Does it mean it helped? Possibly?

The extracts may have very well have been the thing she was tied to due to a lack in stimulation in her environment.

When the inactive mind gets to fixation it can be a scary place.

As someone who experiences these events myself, it is very real.

If you think suicide is a cowardly act, or a sign of weakness, you’re a bigger fool than you propose. You aren’t “strong minded” you are lucky.

Guess all the soldiers who commit to it, just didn’t follow their training?

Suicide is a logical response.

It’s rationalized.

When you can observe that you are in pain, and the world re-enforces it, and proves it right, and may even add to it, why stay here, why put up with it? Especially if it’s so much. (How much is too much is determined by what the person disseminates it to be) there is no one size fits all for misery and how a person will react to it. Sometimes it doesn’t take much, other times it take an unimaginable amount.

We are social creatures, we rely on social constructs for survival, it’s been that way since we were tribal and lived in small villages, the person who is obfuscated, either by force or of their own mind, it meant death.

So, with this in mind, depends on how the extracts were used, if it was her relief from all the other lacking, it helped save her (if anything) for as long as possible.

But say if that habit became a financial burden, keeping her from engaging in other social activities, or withholding her from better coping mechanisms, then, it played a part as a cofactor.

Is it strictly to blame? Well, no…

Could it be a potential for some amount of it? Well, yes…

Suicide is basically broken down to a pretty simple principle, “I don’t want to be here anymore,”.

Most healthy people, with enough at there fingertips, might have this thought as fleeting, or if they are so lucky, to not have it.

But what happens when you can’t escape it, when, rather than be able to work it away, or distract it away as most people can, it gets reinforced, and louder in your skull, what then?

Now, I’m not siding with the “it’s to blame” category.

I think we have severely under rated the pressures everyone is experiencing in these unprecedented times.

Lock downs, insane inflation, etc, certainly fit the bill for the major factors more so than anything. (Look at crime stats since this all began)

This poor girl was probably using it to escape her very hard, very real reality she was experiencing. What happens when your escape, isn’t an escape anymore? How do you find solace then?

These people aren’t weak man.

They thought it through, they saw it, felt it, and at least in that moment, it made the most sense.

Just because you can’t imagine being there, means you are so lucky, when the mind turns on you, it is real, it is painful, and it can be one of the biggest burdens one can ever face.

Now that my tangent is over, just remember, when dealing with articles like this, and the aftermath of someone taking their life, it’s their community trying to come to terms with the event, fingerpointing and the inevitable “How could this happens” follow.




:point_up:t2:Cannabis is different for everyone and I will agree that advertising is a little misguided by using the endocannabinoid system and how it specifically effects that system and not the rest of the body or the brain. Though I’m sure people do educate themselves.

It should be discussed further and people should be keeping up with modern science and the new findings/changes within science.

I mean think of the derps who thought cannabis was a narcotic pain killer before it was generally accepted that it’s more or less an anti-inflammatory and a really fucking good one at that but is in no way a narcotic pain killer.

Knowledge/Science about cannabis is changing all the fucking time.

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