Issues with 50 shot overfilling

Has anyone had issues with their 50 shot over filling?

Just BARELY overfilling which causes minor seepage when putting tip on.

Tried temp ranges from 100-130f , no luck solving the issue, any feedback would be appreciated.

I don’t think there’s too many variables you can change temp being one but you said you have tried to change the temp… maybe a different diameter needle, and see what temp high/low will do to the volume when adjusted

Are you allowing any time for the wick/coil to collect a small amount of fluid before capping? Maybe that could help.

With the hsw multimatic, your best option is to squeeze a little bit less. The unimatic is more suited to your task

I have some that work with 100x100mm heat pads

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Throw that 50 shot away and get @qma’s rig


Guess you should of gone with the QMA BMG 50. :100:


@qma for the win!. I’m proud owner


I have a 50 shot, and mine is set at 145°f I fill only Jupiter cartridges, and I wish it overfilled a bit. It’s always between 0.47g to 0.51g. Also @qma has his shit dialed, and I need one!

Also I run a 18 or 16ga tip


Any one know where we could find these shipping from the US?

Yeah, heat pads are annoying