ISO Hemp Roots

We are looking to source hemp roots for production of a root extract. We need the roots to be “fresh” or at least not sitting and rotting for weeks, so an indoor grow is ideal. If anyone knows of an indoor hemp grow in Colorado or is looking to sell waste material let us know!

Would you be interested in certified organic hemp roots in the fall?

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Yes! We are looking to partner with some outside grows as well. We just really need a source of roots in the interim. Do you encounter at last some plants that die/hermie throughout the year? Also are your plants directly in the soil or in pots? How do you dispose/handle the roots at the end of the season, just leave them in the ground? I would love to hear how most hemp producers deal with the root systems. Thanks!

We definitely have plants that get pulled throughout the season. Previously, roots were allowed to decay on their own as it improves soil structure. They decay surprisingly fast. We start our plants in greenhouses then transplant outdoors.

Also, what condition are you looking for? Fresh frozen, dried, raw?

Ideally, roots pulled, washed, then dried. That will preserve them the longest and reduce bacterial growth. I will DM you for some details.

I wonder how male/female or flower/veg effect the production of the target compounds in the roots.

Roots could be farmed from live plants in DWC if tsrget compounds are still produced during veg.

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