ISO full spectrum cannabinoids for medical use

Hey guys I suffered an ischemic stroke this past February 1st, actually a few strokes over the course of a few hours, woke up a few days later in pretty bad shape. I’ve been using my standard intake of angel CBD tincture and flower I either get from my friends, my own harvest,or the local club. I’ve made a strong recovery but I’m still missing part of my vision, leaving me with a left field cut among other major difficulties. I’ve read some research done in Japan and the UK on cannabis influencing/reducing damage done by ischemic strokes. I’ve continued to recover and am doing better than ever, in the garden pulling tarps etc . What I’m looking for is any cannabis/hemp products that are diverse in cannabinoids and would give me the best shot at maybe reversing damage/ building new neural pathways.
I’m located in OR but am frequently am in Portland and WA, and live close enough to California. If anyone has any products/product they stand behind and are willing to “gift” / sell , whatever is locally legal, please reach out, I’m good for cash and willing to pay top dollar for shit that’s going to help. Really trying to reduce chance of future stroke and mitigate any damage already done.

Thanks guys


have you visited the hemp outlet? Hemp Outlet - Future4200

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