Indofabs C.R.C & BHO Color Remediation Tek

Nice thank you for clarifying.

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I never see anyone else mentioning packing technique, but my biggest question, is if a 4" x 36" column gives me about 250-350 grams if oil per run, running about 30# of gas. whats the ratio of media to oil being passed through the medias. also I never see mentioned to as if people are having a problem with the butane getting too cold and not passing through the medias, or has that not been a problem?

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That’s a factor that it seems people are intentionally overlooking since it’s working so well as is, the ratio of media to oil that is.
It’s because these guys have been doing it inline so they may not know the yields before and after the crc.

I think dred said he runs 2 kilos material at a time and he uses a total of about 4 cups of the powders all in all


Interesting, with that data I would expect a minimum of 10% by oil weight or 35g. 10% is what we use in scrubbing oil on a hot plate.

I would be interested to see a 1:1 ratio (350:350), 1:2 (125media:350oil), vs 1:10 (35media:350oil).

Thats each, not total.


I run my tane at -105f and all i noticed is that it took a bit longer. But my tane to oil ratio is quite high


I was thinking about your comment about a week ago and it’s got me wondering. What solvent to material ratio are you using when your running with a 140f degree material column?

Also are you using butane to do this or some other solvent?

1/1 media to oil ratio? I wonder how well this could work. It would definitely need to be re-extracted with a solvent so maybe it could work like dry loading in chromatography the difference being that we’re dry loading onto an active media as opposed to the standard celite or florisil .@Shadownaught

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I’m going to try this tek in the next day or so on a smaller 10p machine move to four 6x48 tubes than to atlas material columns. I got activated alumna, achromizing clay, silicate pulver all from summit, carbon chem’s mag sil or and silica 60a. I use 90#solvent to 30-33ps material. Isobutane only. Isobutane is king imo
I’ll report back with the results
I’m going to be using older crude biomass


Why is isotane king?

@Shadownaught I’ve been very curious about using synthetic resins as another powder to try in the filter column, have you guys at carbon chemistry looked into synthetic resin adsorbents?

Or are they cost prohibitive to anything but research or analytical applications?

Same molecule but different shape! Can still use almost the exact same solvent ratio as pure n-tane but a noticeably faster recovery (because of its lower boiling point).


Yeah I’ve got something I’m working on there.


Good to hear, is what your working on more geared toward introducing a more comprehensive line of pesticide remediation medias?

No that would be mostly color again. MagsilPR is pretty damn good at what it does.


magsil PR lenticular cartridges? Ertelsop/3m/heyes/Harrington

Terpene adsorption could be another direction u could go with this, from what I’ve read about these resins they’ve got good desorption characteristics so maybe they’ll have potential to help separate terpenes from the extract without destroying them with heat.

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“I got activated alumna, achromizing clay, silicate pulver all from summit, carbon chem’s mag sil or and silica 60a.”

Use all of those.

From top to bottom

silcate stuff 1cup
Alumina 2cup
Silica 60 2cup
Achromizing clay 2.5cup
Magsil PR 1cup
Silikate stuff 1-2cup.

At the bottom of each column.

That’s pretty much twice what I run except for the magsil. Which I want to try too, just because. And more clay because your material is old ,so I am making due for the extra chlorophyll it’s going to put out.


Just straight remove everything but the thca and just put out mass quantities of diamonds, or ditsy. If it could remove terpenes . We could precipitate it in pentane and that would be extremely easy.


I wonder if purolite is open to giving out samples :thinking:

I’ll give it a whirl for crude prep if they are.

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Sent em an email so we’ll see.

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