How much vacuum pressure does one need to purge?

Hello all! I am currently processing all my flower using EtOH then filtering with Celite and carbon after that I put the EtOH mixture in the rotovap and purge off most of the EtOH to then putting on the magnetic stirrer with the temp set to 200 and I watch the oil making sure to pull it off at 200f to make sure I don’t overheat the oil. I sometimes wonder how much EtOH is left. It can’t be much. But I see that some people purge there oil in a vacuum oven after. If I put my oil in a small mason jar and connected a vacuum port to the top and pulled vacuum while applying light heat would that even purge my oil? Also if it can how much mbar would I have to pull to achieve that or would that be measured in another form? Please excuse my noobyness.



Well you have a pump conect to mason jar. And pull a vac at room temp
If boiling happens keep pulling vac till it stops
Then heat jar to say 70C and pull vac again
Make sure you have a lot of headspace for bumps are normal and frequent


Thank you for your help im working on dialing everything in as we speak :slight_smile:

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