How dirty is Chinese/Eastern European isolate?

I hear lots of scary rumors about heavy metals in eastern isolates, but haven’t really seen any evidence supporting it. It’s pretty easy for me to believe that the isolate is dirty, but I was wondering if anyone has actually tried to prove the validity of this belief?

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I mean considering how many toxins are in a lot of their other exports like fish and children’s toys I have no difficulty believing it. Only real way to tell for sure is to buy some, have a couple quality labs independently test it and hope it doesn’t come back dirty. I would suspect likelihood of testing hot is directly correlated to where the plants were grown and good luck validating their supply chain.

I dont have the result handy but in 2015 we found traces of lead and asbestos in hemp we sourced from China and at the time the company selling it to us was pushing their isolate pretty hard but we didnt want white powder in customs lol.

One would presume the contaminated hemp was used to make the isolate.
Also whats to say their test is from the batch’s their sending you ?
Glad we didnt chance it.


I never seen any isolate from China or Eastern Europe in the 3-4 years I have been in this business. You hear about it but no one ever seems to actually have any at least in my experience

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No one says they have it :wink: but its there


That reminds me of another question: What are the typical LoD’s for stateside heavy metals testing? Is there any truth to the idea that, with a low enough LoD, everything is going to contain trace amounts of heavy metals? It’s in a lot of the water, anyway…

I feel like I should clarify that I’m not looking to buy Chinese isolate, I’m trying to gather evidence so I can intelligently oppose it.

CV sciences uses all imported oil for their products to my knowledge and I believe it all tests clean.


Is there any ways/tech to “clean” isolate from heavy metals like Nickel ?

Yup. If its heavy metal contamination, a centrifuge is your friend


Will it drop out the heavy metals? Like G-force magic?

You got it


Shit China? Try next door.