Heavy metals in hammer milled hemp

Hello! I’m asking if you have any experience running Hammer Milled hemp or cannabis that tested positive for heavy metals? and if so, did the Heavy Metals co-extract with the cannabinoids?

What’s difference does it being hammermilled? Are you thinking the metal is coming from the mill?

One might expect said heavy metals to be cytosolic, and as such they would be more likely to be exposed to the extraction solvent in milled material

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Had to look that up as I wasn’t familiar with the word - learn something new every day.

Either way I have to imagine that you’re going to break some cellular walls no matter what if you agitate the material in any way while it’s exposed to solvent or use a centrifuge or screw press to recover more solvent after the initial soak has concluded. If you’re extracting cold enough probably break some with ice formation too. At which point its just a question of whether there’s enough concentration to be above the PPM/PPB to test hot at your testing lab.

I personally have never had a batch test hot for heavy metals, I’ve heard rumors of Chinese isolate testing hot but I don’t deal with import isolate so the rumors aren’t something I can substantiate.

I would imagine that if your extract had a high enough concentration to test hot it would be likely that the input biomass would as well. Long as you don’t buy cannabis plants grown in Rocky Flats or a similarly terrible superfund site I imagine you would probably be alright. But OP, we need more info, why do you ask, and what metals specifically are you concerned about?

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