Good Life Gang

thanks for the laugh today! lol


I didn’t ask for that.

I asked for $350.

You in or nah, bro?


Just checking to see if the private forum/SOPs are up yet?
No worries if they’re not, just want to make sure I’m in there when it launches.


Not yet! But very, very soon!

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I must be missing something but I can not figure out how to sign up and pay for this membership.

Knock on door three times at midnight!

Sorry couldn’t resist, go to the section and request…

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When can we expect to see other payment options available? I’m up here in canuckistan and have a $250 CAD (less than $190/USD)/week limit on any crypto purchases. Paypal or similar would be really convenient as bank wire fees are pretty ridiculous, on top of the exchange rate they screw me with.

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Last I looked, check and wire transfer was available

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Working on getting credit/debit card payments back online, should have my banking merchant services up asap. Ill be taking a limited amount of daily venom payments starting in a day or two. @sidco

PayPal will not accept the liability of a lifetime membership program however.


Would the gang be suitable for people of all skill levels?

I ask, perhaps obviously, because I am an absolute beginner. Experience include bubble hash and a few glass tube blasts.


If you can afford the good life you can be part of the gang!


Cool. Thanks.

GLG Team! Very pumped about this group. In the process of figuring out my cheapest method of payment from Canada and hope to officially join by early next week.

Can someone explain to me what/where the Future4200 SOPs are? Are these SOPs that are hidden and only released to GLG members. I saw columbolabs working on one on IG recently but cant seem to find a centralized spot where they’re all kept.



I think @Future or @sidco could explain it best.

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We have a separate backend where users login to retrieve SOPs.
Registration can be found here

Sounds like someone needs some bitcoins

Thanks for the quick response! I don’t have enough bandwidth to even begin thinking about crypto at this stage…haha. Is there a list of SOP titles that currently exist in the directory?

Any sign of credit/debit payments?


Almost all the SOPs relate to distillate processes. tHCA crystallization is up and have been told BHO and oven tek sops are coming… I personally don’t run distillate so am waiting patiently for sops closer to my BHO realm, but the sops up are great info!


Yes the payment processing lady from the bank assures me that we will be up and running in the next few days. Had to incorporate, so now it’s Good Life Gang LLC, but we are almost there!