I purchased a used Gilson PLC2500 & CPC1000pro with AP-MOD pump. I have contacted the company asking for a manual or diagram for ap-mod machine use with the other two and they don’t reply. I’ve been told repeatedly by Gilson that I should have just purchased a new unit. I asked what it would cost to have their technician come on site and set the system up and they don’t reply. I’m curious if anyone here is using this system and can help walk me through getting this running?
Good luck. Those systems are pretty expensive brand new so I’d wager there are very few users here using them, if any. I found user manuals for the PLC2500 and CPC1000pro that show how to set up and install everything. Do you have another part number for the AP-MOD pump?? I can’t imagine it’s that much different from other HPLC pumps.
There are at least 3 people on here using them. The ap-mod doesn’t have a manual as far as I can tell. Gilson says they discontinued it but then said it would be beneficial to use.
Yes, but how many are using them brand new? I know of one of them that bought the equipment used and ended up selling anyways due to lack of throughput and zero support from Gilson (too expensive).
I’d keep breaking their balls over a user manual, which I guarantee they have archived somewhere. In the mean time, I’d look at a generic guide to hplc pumps and figure it out yourself, and compare to their 305 series pump manual You’ll learn more that way anyway.
PLC Purification Systems User’s Guide LT380160-01.pdf (14.1 MB)
Gilson PLC UV-VIS Detector Service Guide (PLCUV-SG-01) (11-15).pdf (2.1 MB)
Gilson Glider Prep Software User’s Manual LT380083-01.pdf (9.3 MB)
CPC_UG_LT309176-01.pdf (4.7 MB)
CPC Review.pdf (999.7 KB)
Attached are all documents I had from my commissioning of thr system years ago. I am assuming some things changed.