"Genodic" process or treat your plants with music

The genodic how does it work?
Everyone knows that music affects the mood of humans and some animals. Since the 1960s, many researchers have observed the effects of certain music on plant growth. Joël Sternheimer, Doctor in theoretical physics and musician, offered an explanation of these effects, allowing them to be produced with molecular precision, from plants sensitive to their sound environment to humans who, by listening attentively, can recognize their effects. 'adequacy for themselves.

Waves and matter
Quantum physics has shown that the elementary particles that make up atoms, molecules or even molecular assemblies can have two aspects: particle and wave. A quantum wave can be associated with any quantity of matter, the frequency of which can be calculated. From these concepts, genodics makes it possible to characterize particular waves, naturally associated with the process of protein synthesis. These are large molecules, synthesized in organisms from information from genes in the genome. Proteins are a major constituent of living things: they play an active role in practically all of its processes. Proteins are made up of one or more chains of amino acids. These, 22 in number, are basic molecules that make up all proteins and are common to all living organisms. Each amino acid molecule has a corresponding wave whose frequency has been calculated.

The song of proteins
For the synthesis of a protein, during its transcription on a ribosome, the succession of bonds of amino acids results in the emission of a series of frequencies characteristic of this protein. Of course, the waves associated with the amino acids that make up proteins have very high frequencies, inaudible to the human ear. However, their transposition into the audible range makes it possible to have an exact, homothetic representation of the melodies associated with the synthesis of each protein.

The observations carried out so far indicate that living organisms are able to recognize these series of harmonized sounds, directly tuned to the amino acids whose sequence makes up proteins and which we call proteodies. The genodic also explains how to compose melodies in phase opposition, which have the opposite effect.

Experience shows that listening to these two types of proteodies can stimulate or inhibit the synthesis of any type of protein, in a specific way, but modulates the filter of the subject concerned who appears capable, when listening, to recognize what he needs. The objective effect produced thus appears to be correlated, less with the stimulus itself, than with the subjective reaction to its listening, which constitutes a form of refined diagnosis. Proteodies thus make it possible to regulate, if necessary, the biological processes in which proteins are involved.

Genodics in a few words:
Since 2008, Genodics has offered an innovative and non-invasive approach in the fields of viticulture, market gardening, arboriculture and breeding. It is developing applications of the “genodic process”, discovered and patented by the physicist Joël Sternheimer and which makes it possible to prevent and treat diseases, and to help growth and development, particularly under stressful conditions, while respecting organisms and their environment. At the end of 2019, Genodics SAS covered 2,500 hectares with this process, in France and in neighboring countries, in market gardening, arboriculture, viticulture and on issues related to breeding and oyster farming. Thank you to those of our customers who show their satisfaction in the media. Finally, the work of the ERRMECe laboratory at the University of Cergy-Pontoise was published in the journal Heliyon of the Elsevier group: this is a new scientific validation! You can access it by copying the following link into your browser: https://DOI.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04991 This work relates to the resistance to water stress of pea crops benefiting from a stimulation of their dehydrin, water-retaining protein. Although this is a laboratory model, its results can be applied to drought control



This is pseudo science mumbo jumbo.


It’s not about alchemy!
2500 hectares therefore dozens of farmers, who take the risk of losing a year of work based on pseudo science ?? It seems hard to believe. Not to mention that these same farmer prefer to keep the system and change their way of doing things.
Even if the idea is “new” and that the works on the subject are still few, the facts are there and the results too, plus the various testimonies of the users. Just like the electro-culture and the revitalization.


Tomato cultivation
On tomatoes, our applications cover all stages of plant development: from improving the growth of seedlings to that of fruiting, both from a qualitative point of view (taste, sugar level, conservation, texture) than quantitative. We promote resistance to climatic stress (heat, cold or drought) with an optimization of the yield. In prevention on BOTRYTIS, we are able to reduce plant mortality by a factor of 3 to 4 and expression on all plants by a factor of 2. In soil-less tomato crops, we were able to assess the effectiveness of diffusions for the prevention of BOTRYTIS, from the measurement of an effect gradient in a greenhouse of 10,000 m² as a function of the distance from the diffuser: the graph above shows the evolution of mortality by BOTRYTIS, which goes from 2.8% in the zone close to the diffuser to 5.1% in the intermediate zone and to 10.5% in the most distant zone.

the paper you linked is riddled with problems
least of which there is no discussion of sample size, and their experimental design leaves much to be desired

Im gonna agree with @Curious_Roberto
arise chicken


For more data. in French



If you do some research, you will find more info

Its bro-science

If plants react to hz frequencies, I can go along with that aspect. Hz frequency could help with stem and root strengthening, and the vibrations (think bass like a spl competition vehicle (I used to compete semi-pro back in 2002-03).

But I see zero way sounds (like recorded guitars or singing) could have a + effect on plant growth.

The old saying is if YOU talk to your plants they respond. Sure they do, it’s from the co2 your exhaling into the room.

I’m always in my garden rooms with my portable bluetooth speaker playing trance/techno. I’ve sent this for 8-10yrs and I see no more growth than normal.


all of the papers you have linked are the same 4 people who made a bad paper in the first place.

So, we have a bad experimental design issue, and a bias issue

any 3rd party replications of these findings?

Vibration and matter

The universe is vibratory, matter seems to be structured by certain frequencies emitted by what physicists call the Matrix. The universe is made up of atoms. Each atom is made up of particles (neutrons and protons, electrons…) which vibrate creating a wave, and this “wave” we perceive with our human senses as form, matter, light or sound.

In the 1960s and 70s, the Swiss engineer and doctor Hans Jenny carried out experiments using sound frequencies on different materials such as water, sand, iron filings… Dr Jenny placed the material on a plate of metal attached to an oscillating crystal, which was driven by a frequency generator capable of producing a wide range of vibrations. He then filmed and photographed what happened on the plate.

He coined the term Cymatics (the study of waveform phenomena), which is derived from the Greek “kyma” which means “wave”. Thus, the vibration-sound changes the particulate matter. A vibration produced anywhere near the human body will create a physical change in the body and its electromagnetic fields.

Sent information via airwaves, seems unreal to you? The man uses to proceed for a long time! Learn a little about water memory and water dynamization, you might be surprised


Like I said in my post, it’s from hz that causes vibrations, and NOT from vocals or guitars.

Specifics matter in science


None of that fixes the fact that the papers that you posted are garbage

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If the information regarding the music used for Dr. Sternheimer’s genodic method is locked, serious leads lead us to musical choices for growing cannabis. Classical music remains the safest choice for positive results on the plantation.
Few of the cannabis growers have tried genodic, but there are some. According to an American grower, rock metal has a very negative influence on plants. The sounds of the guitars are saturated. The phenomenon of saturation is explained by a distortion of the frequencies emitted by the instrument. Nothing very natural in all of this.
Classical music is far removed from modern musical styles. Only acoustic instruments form the orchestras. And, Mozart seems to be positioned as an ideal composer for good plant health.

The work of Dr Masaru Emoto
This idea is put forward based on the work of Dr Masaru Emoto and his team.
This Japanese man who died in 2014 has worked for many years on the molecular structure of water when it is subjected to intentions. But, research has also been carried out with music, a point that interests us here.
This latest work involves isolating a water sample in a room and playing music there.
After a certain period of exposure to music, a drop of water is frozen.
After freezing, the sample is viewed using an electron microscope. The results are edifying.


Plants, like people and animals, are mostly water. The water content of a plant varies among varieties from 70 to over 90%. In other words, the water molecules of a plant have every chance to find a harmonious structure, benefiting the plant as a whole.

Mozart’s LA 432 Hz
At the beginning of this article, we explained that the LA musical note corresponds to a frequency of 440 Hertz (Hz). This is the note we hear every time we pick up the landline before calling. And it is from this LA (little editorial humor) that the instruments are harmonized in current music.
However, the LA has not always been tuned to this frequency. Mozart, but also Verdi, Vivaldi, Brahms as well as Stradivarius, the most famous of luthiers, tuned their violins from an LA 432 Hz. Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks would also have defined this frequency to tune their instruments. The Romans would then have banned its use. Many theories circulate the web on this subject, but to remain in the concrete: the sonar of the dolphins is in tune 432 Hz, just like the Tibetan gongs.
Studies have shown that the range of harmonics of this tuning fork is the most extensive and especially that it comes into perfect resonance with (tan tan!): Water!


According to the same study, an OD at a frequency of 256 Hz triggers the reaction of photosynthesis. This process allows the plant to transform sunlight (or indoor lamps) into organic matter.

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I’m out of this discussion. Your like my wife, annoying as shit with just a 5% fact and running with it and spinning it in any way you want to make it sound correct.


That’s the findings of further studies into the issue, it’s the noise, not the music.

Again, this is pseudo science

Well, I did hear that someone put “Peaches - Fuck the Pain Away” on repeat in their grow room and came back the next day to an entirely dead crop…


They sell those bio wave things. I’ve seen a large scale grower claim a few percent points in yield but I think singing and extra c02 from a human may not hurt.

I play classical for the girls.


They hear what I’m in the mood for.

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I’m not following you, hz=cycles per second? The phrase plants respond to hz makes no sense. Sound is just vibration through a medium, the higher the pitch of the sound the higher the frequency/cycles per second/Hz. I’m by no means stating that this works or affects plants chemical processes (I have no idea either way) just that exposing plants to sound is exposing them to “hz”.

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Water memory is pseudoscience.

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