I got both my dogs connected with a chain to one another and then connected to one leash that is connected to my pants belt and on more than one occasion when my dogs decide to go after something / someone they start pulling hard enough to where I lean back to keep from getting pulled down to the ground and still have my feet while being completely still be dragged across the ground as if I weighed near nothing compared to them. It is only because eventually they are obedient that I can keep some semblance of control over them otherwise I would just be dragged wherever it is they want to go… What I’m saying is it is a nice theory if I can be close enough to a large stationary object when the problem happens but that is rarely the case and even if it was the case, at the time I’m doing all I can to just try to stay on my feet and control them.
I feed my dogs raw, it’s been amazing for them. 1000% better than the highest end kibbles. No more dry skin/brittle coat, no more yeast issues, better muscle definition, etc…
We do 3% of body weight for our male, and 2.5% for our female. It’s a bone/organ/meat blend we get from the butcher, then we add a greens powder for nutrients, and a rotation of things like pumpkin/cottage cheese/Greek yogurt/homemade bone broths.
Great looking dogs! Thanks for posting this, Love hearing other people’s approach. Lots of different ways to skin a cat, and the way you are doing it looks to be working!