Fake dank warning with finger pointing!

Everyone is pointing fingers at the cause of the fake dank epidemic. The situation is serious and and a lot of people are worried but who’s really behind it?

Whenever our government wants control of something it has to persuade public opinion that what its doing is for the good of the people. How does our government achieve this in my opinion?

Here are some examples:
1: Airline industry: The DB Cooper incident was staged so our Government could persaude public opinion that it needed to regulate and control the airline industry.

2:Banking System/War to obtain natural resources: Its all about the money (most of the time) Sept 11th was staged to persaude public opinion that we needed to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan because Bin Laden attacked us Afghanistan hide him and somehow Sadaam was connected and had weapons of mass destruction. Mysteriously a billion dollar insurance policy was taken out on the World Trade Center shorty before this happened, gold disappeared from basement vaults, and two airplanes took down 3 buildings. Of course the Patriot Act was needed now and thanks to it the government has more spying ability on american citizens and has stricter control over the banking system.

3:Marijuana Industry: We all know now that pot is harmless but our Government is losing control of pot. Since day 1 our Goverment has tried to persaude peoples opinions against pot. Look at the old commercials from back in the day where our Government put out commercials saying basically pot will turn us into zombie psychopaths if we us it. In a last ditch efford our Goverment has begun another campaign to taper with the vape carts to try and turn public opinion against the industry and its working but let them fool you! Divide and conquer is the oldest technique used when battling a campaign! I see people pointing fingers at some who are often on the same side of the fence! Be smart don’t let divide and conquer work and don’t let them fool you into thinking more regulations are needed in this industry! It’s all about Government control!

Why not just post this in the other thread with the same title? This also has nothing to do with the tags. :man_facepalming:


3rd time reading this…


With absolutely zero way to prove this, what’s the point here? Seems just like a right up to summarize your favorite conspiracy theories and throw in the one many stoners have postulated the past few weeks due to hype.

There’s reason for many to be against vapes, but they are also poorly made devices filled with cheap crap by drug dealers

Could be government, but why is it never the drug dealers being blamed? This industry is filled with people who sell fentanyl cut heroin, cocaine and meth right along side those carts and every other cannabis product.

I don’t trust the government or cops but I also don’t trust drug dealers either.


Hey now, I’ve known some pretty cool drug dealers, although, they were only selling psychedelic drugs.