Extracting spinosad contaminated material

I know blasting pesticide laced material is the bane of our existence as extractors, but has anybody ever extracted material with spinosad contamination? It is a fairly harmless pesticide to humans and mammals alike, but does it come through into the extracted material? My guess is yes, but I was hoping anybody had any insight into this. Thanks for any responses, and don’t worry this is more of a curiosity and not something I plan on doing.

Yes, it will carry over. Fortunately it is non-distillable and thus easy to remediate.


Are you sure? I’ve been told spinosad is one of the harder ones to remove because it does distill over


Thank you for your response, I appreciate it.

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According to shadow its water soluble, water washes like what’s done in the PR remediation journal should remove it for sure


Maybe it’s possible but i’ve never seen it, and I’ve remediated it myself with this method. I know it degrades before detection if you try and run it on gcms, and the conditions in those runs are actually gentler than the typical short path run. The very high molecular weight also would indicate it shouldn’t be close to thc boiling point, and ester bond looks very vulnerable to breaking.


It is remediable, agreed.


I haven’t used it in years but I think the research was that it broke down quickly naturally or by sunlight. Maybe 3-5 days active. It does have systemic properties. Id never use it in bloom.

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May have 5 acres of high CBD hemp that tested positive 6 weeks after spraying. No rain here. Any help finding a place to process if next test is also positive?

spinosad is systemic. good luck finding someone to remediate.

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Whats that mean

From the papers I’ve read, some say it’s systemic, some say it’s not. The ones that say it’s systemic used a root application method. All other sources say that spinosad isn’t systemic or is not highly systemic when applied as a foliar spray. Anyone have more info on this?

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It’ll carry over in your crude, not in your distillate

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Does it mean I don’t have to water wash? Will it just evaporate or distill after first or second pass?

I made the mistake extracting a spinosad trim once…it would make u gagg…we tossed it all

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I don’t think I’ve met another legitimate fan of Sifl And Olly in the wild!

It came out in the distillate, screws up the crude tho

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maybe time remediates it? I am not very concerned with it but used it yesterday for thrips.

Ahh, we’ll smoke my weed when we get together. No spinosad for me please!