EtOH Crude Bubbling like Crazy

Hey All,
I have gotten some THC shake and trim in I wanted to process to distillate. It was not decarbed prior to extraction at -60c on a delta cup 15 then filter with a pig filter then solvent recovered through our spray vap. Yes the crude usually bubbles a little during decarb which is 1.5 hr in a vac over at 145c. But this is excessive. Can someone help with why this is happening?

You got some high % THCa crude, congrats!

Take the temp down a little or go slower. Nothing is wrong here.


Just looks like normal decarb to me. If there was a little ethanol in it still, the ethanol would just get pulled out before the decarb really started.

When you decarb in the vac oven, do you pull a vacuum? I have had success in the past decarbing under vac, the vac can pop the bubbles before they overflow.

If you dont want to decarb under vac, you are going to need an overhead stirrer or something to mix the crude and pop the bubbles.

Make sure you aren’t putting too much crude into one container, I dont like to fill whatever container I am decarbing in more than 1/4 of the way full.


Looks like a fairly regular decarb. If it muffins too much, I highly suggest stirring it down until it settles. You’ll know it’s done decarbing when the bubbling stops.


I am pulling vac and this bowl pictured was about 1/2 full so probably to much. I just feel like there has to be a better way of limiting the muffin or bubbling over.

I honestly prefer decarbing on a hot plate with an overhead stirrer going to pop the bubbles. If you are trying to “de-vol” or remove some more volatile compounds from the crude using the vac oven, you could always try doing like 90% of the decarb on a hotplate and then transfer over to the oven.

Also if you can fit it in your oven, I might opt for a stainless steel pot that is a bit taller and a bit wider, think the type they use to serve soup at a buffet. if that make sense.

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Or take it to the next level and decarb in a reactor with a condenser to do decarb/devol simultaneously