Ethanol THCa Recrystallization/Resolidification

Centrifuge… lay everything really flat and thin… vacuum with moderate heat… no more terpenes.

I recommend covering your powdered thca with something to prevent it flying all over the place.

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I don’t have a vacuum either, just a little bit of spirit, lol.

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Getting what looks like a bit of recrystallization in ethanol. This has been sitting on a rosin press, starting at 115°F (solution temp about 100°F) and stirred periodically until minimal ethanol was left. Then sat on the rosin press at 100°F solution temp probably low 90°F until this little guy formed. I’ve been getting small crystallization on the outside of the jar as well on droplets from pouring a bit out. Just interesting is all, I know it’s not much. No cap was left on so the ethanol has been slowly evaporating the whole time. Hoping to see some crystals form along the side of the jar.


Very happy camper. Let’s see how big these fuckers get! Gonna use these to seed in pentane soon.


Good job bro.

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Thanks dude, will keep this thread updated as I get a little more knowledge under my belt!! :heart:

I must try now. Those are sweet! Nice work

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Appreciate you! It was definitely a fun experiment and the shapes you get are really awesome.

Just an update :gem: will probably post again when I harvest these bad boys. But looks like the rods/needles are kinda congregating on the sides. Just capped it yesterday, it’s been uncapped the entire time otherwise. This is fun. I’m thankful for all the stuff I’ve read on here. Appreciate y’all.

Edit: more pics


Hey nice job?

Is the initial extract rosin? Or something else?

And how long were u patient enough to get them formin?

Well played love the lang antena! :upside_down_face:

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Ethanol I think

Cause of the ressidolve?

Could be:) I just went on the fact the man has the rosin press home:)

Thank you for the kind words :slight_smile:

Initial extract was some BHO batter, but it was done inside of a “dirty” rosin jar haha, so technically…?

And as soon as it gets to a thicker syrupy state I just let it sit, uncapped at low heat for a couple of days and crystals started forming. Day to day after that has been super noticable growth. I ended up capping it after maybe 5 days. Seems like it’s slowing down a bit but also harder to tell when it’s taking up more of the jar.

Starting a second jar right now, same prep

redissolve centrifuged THCa into ethanol, evap off most of the ethanol by stirring and letting it sit over low heat.

This time I capped it though, started noticing tiny crystals at the bottom the day after capping.

I really think the key is getting warm enough to evaporate the ethanol semi-quickly without being warm enough to decarb, which is like a perfect 100°F.


probably achieve that cold too. or with a just a fan.

we had ethanol boiling in our SPD at -10C for shits and giggles this morning.

it was making it past the first dry ice trap at that point. we took a weight before we started so we could try and figure out how much we lost to/through the pump.

pretty sure something more important (like making hash) got in the way of that game though.


Yee, probably get some nice big ones taking it slow. I have just heard that ethanol can slowly decarb over time so I wanted to get it done semi-quickly. But also, heat obviously causes decarb, so I wonder what causes more - 100°F for a few weeks or 70°F for a few months.

Man I suck ass at washing stones. Think I’m not cold enough. But the terps and shit would hardly dissolve even at like 50°F into the pentane. Maybe I did something wrong. I seem to have dissolved a lot of THCa into the pentane.

But got some cool ass glassy boiz to use as seeds for a new jar, so that’s a positive note