Does anyone want to see a spd7 run today

Doing some demo work and wondering what stuff you want to see.


@spdking id love to see an spd run but am heading out to work. any way to upload a video so i can watch later?


Oh yeah, the whole team here would tune in. :+1:

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If you livestream on YouTube, it is available in real time, or for playback later.


id love to see a proper shortpath run start to finish


Yes! Please explain when and why you break vacuum and reconnect it direct to the cow without the trap. We’ve never seen anyone else do that.

Also, please describe if and exactly how YOU decarb for spd.

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I guess I would like to see features of the techno mantel and fraction finder shown while doing the run.

OBS is decent free software for video broadcasts.


SPD7 livestream on instagram would be great

Three year old boof trim. Underloaded 1500ml in a 5l flask for a short path designed to start at 3000ml. So our height is typical now with tails level in a flask. I’m limited on upload file size


Awesome, would love to see/hear more :beers:

SummitSPD TV :tv: please! more full episodes! I can get you linked up with a small scale grower in vermont who is also a professional video editor and producer who does marketing and travels with a camera to shoot promotional material- he would probs trade you for some tools to get some really nice work done. SPDTV!



Nice. This is the myth buster #1 so far. (Which some already knew)
You don’t need the flask 50% full.
I ran a 5l with 500 g of dist for a 2nd pass no issues

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I never seem to have my 2l bf over 800ml. And never an issue with a run.

Damn that looks good.

Can’t knock.the hustle. @spdking has the best equipment I have seen to date.


Imagine if it were paired with a halfway respectable manchild, instead of an utter brat that has spent his career attacking multiple companies and making ad hominems against everyone he can?

even that dismal upgrade would change so much. Nice equipment, but he will not last with his tantrums.


Pretty much summed it up

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Sometimes he’s Gandalf. Sometimes he’s Gollum.


Maybe no one has let you guys know. But you have to take the good with the bad. Just like the rest of us buddy isn’t perfect. I just look at what he brings to the table. Ask yourself what you bring or have brought? I’m not worried about his social behavior because that doesn’t make me 1 red cent. I’m worried about how he handles himself I’m my lab and this video shows how he moves IRL. :100: You can’t knock the hustle but you can knock his social behavior. Seems really petty or is that all you can do to slander the man? :man_shrugging: