Do you run ur cls with the collection warm or cold?

I run as cold as possible for my collection. I use either denatured alcohol and dry ice or acetone and dry ice around my collection until nothing else drips down and then I shut off the column from the collection and start the recovery process.

What you can do though is you can do a hot vapor loop. Basically, you can get a pre-made sleeved coil that’s meant for that.

and you modify the connections to be able to be ran near the top of your system. this won’t eliminate the need for a cold collection but if you wanna not have to use nitrogen and you have a fairly basic set up then try that. I plan on making a poor mans setup and find a source for a cheap custom coil.

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I was thinking of doing this same concept just a poor mans version . Was gonna use my refrigerant recovery tank to push warm gas into the head with . Going to stick it in a bucket with warm water as a “ jacket”

What do you think about having my collection tank and solvent tank sitting in a deep freezer ?

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Dry ice ain’t cheap ya know , not to mention the hour and 30 min round trip to get it

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You’re gonna like this one US $38.64 8%OFF | 50’ Stainless Steel Coil ,Jockey box coil,For homebrew with 5/8G stainless steel connector(Only Coil, Not include box and tap)

Fuck the price they’re talking about you can make one cheaper but you can also find these with dual could and the ones with dual coils could be modified, to have one for injection and one for recovery.


You should look into delivery services or asking someone here to build you a Cascade chiller out of a keggle… … @Soxhlet :roll_eyes::yum::octopus:

That’s another thing I want done at some point. I wanna be rid of dry ice too.

But then again. I’ve also been looking into getting a fat cylinder of c02 and getting a dry ice maker. 5 mins per 5lbs I.think is the rate I saw on a fairly inexpensive maker.


So that’s a no go on tanks in the freezer I’m assuming? Lol

Tanks? Of… Solvent no don’t put those in a freezer. You can get a 5lb brick of dry ice and place it on there to get the solvent liquified or better yet stick your tank in an igloo water dispenser/cooler

Robot or human?

Assuming it’s a 6" stainless and then pour pellet dry ice down the sides and then denatured alcohol down the sides. It’ll get liquified in like 3 to 5 mins.

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I’ve been thinking of getting tanks to to make my own . But they are also don’t hold much , and need to be refilled far away . Like that I can make it on the spot when ever I want to run but I hear the efficiency isn’t that great and as far as cost per pound of dry ice I hear it ends up being similar and in some cases more

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Lol ok that makes sense … damn tempting tho

Yea that’s what I do . But I run outside so In the summer my dry ice consumption rate sucks … maines 0 degree winter nights were key tho


I feel you on that one. I’m in Massachusetts and it’s bad here too in the summer. I run outside int he summer and I usually gotta plan on getting at least 10-15 lbs extra just in case the weather is too much.

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And sorry about all the questions… seems like an extractor can be technically setup a million different ways … and I’m the guy at the store who stares at the ben and Jerry’s freezer for 35 minutes before I pick the same favor I always get … cherry garcia or go to hell

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Hey its all based on preference. Of course everyone here prefers closed loop due to safety but still.

It’s all up to you. You can get a rack, you can build a wall and mount it there, you can stand it straight up, as long as it’s safe and works to specifications then who cares.

They need to make an explosion proof freezer

Seems like this could be possible with some modifications no ?

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I think there are explosion proof freezers. I think people keep their etoh, heptane, heptane denatured etoh and things like that in them.

I’m not sure on the ethics of storing hydrocarbons that could possibly leak in a freezer, regardless of the explosion proof factor.


I wouldn’t store them in a freezer for sure , just wanted to throw them in it for the run . I’m sure a real explosion proof one isn’t cheap . Maybe I’ll use a old broken chest freezer as a more efficient dry ice cooler box instead

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Dry ice is cheap!

500# is only 130$ (airgas)

