CRC Maintenance help needed!!

Hi there! I’m new to this forum and closed loop extraction, so I apologize in advance for my inadequate knowledge. I was thrown into a “sink or swim” situation and have been self educating and troubleshooting our system with very little experience. To start, I’m working on a four column iron fist extraction unit. This question is geared more specifically toward the crc column. Put simply, what are proper maintenance SOPs for crc columns? I know how to properly assemble the unit but cleaning is the step that was not passed along to me prior to my now ex boss being terminated. What I gleaned on my first day was that he was soaking the micron screen jackets in ISO, then baking them off in a vac oven at approximately 225°, and then tapping out any remaining debris. Currently we are stuck having issues passing product through our crc and I suspect it’s due to improper maintenance and cleaning.

I hope I have provided adequate information to troubleshoot our issue. If not, I will respond with the appropriate information. I’d also like to say in advance, I truly appreciate your time and help commenting and problem solving I’m sure this very simple issue. Thanks!!!

*side note: pictured is not me. it’s my extremely dirty and now fired ex boss.


cleaning them depends on what they’re clogged with.
is it actually soluble in iso? try acetone or warm etoh to dissolve it.