Composting moldy material?

DISCLAIMER I am not attempting to use this weed in any way shape or form for human consumption, neither smoke nor concentrate.

Like a lot of people in southern Oregon I had a fair bit of crown rot/botrytis on my crop. I’m curious if anyone has any idea of how to best compost or dispose of this loss. My initial thought is to compost it mixed with a crap ton of bokashi microbes and pour soil/root balls over the pile to limit oxygen exposure to the mold and let the mycelium do it’s thing. I’m open to better ideas, or if mine is a red flag please explain to me why. Not interested in tossing it into the garbage as I live in a city that prohibits outdoor cannabis cultivation, which I am currently practicing. Cheers


This. You should be good to go.

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Want it killed and extracted let me know.