CO2 levels in lab?

Recently switched to using dry ice/acetone for my recovery tank and noticed my co2 meter in a nearby room is off the charts! My CLS is in a very large barn that is not airtight yet the dry is creating extreme levels of co2 even in a closed off room that’s connected. Curious if I’m using too much acetone and it’s causing the dry ice to evaporate quicker? Should I be using mostly dry ice and a little acetone or vice versa? Though the drafty barn would be adequate ventilation. Any insight would be much appreciated!

You should have a slight vacuum on each room where volatiles are involved pumping out to the atmosphere.

This reference suggests that concentrations as high as 35% carbon dioxide are tolerated by mammals but probably not much more.

Install a sensor or buy a monitor from a grow store if the sensor is to expensive. We asked to install an oxygen monitor in our C1D1 container with a light mounted outside. When we run LN2 it displaces the oxygen in the container. With this sensor we know when the oxygen levels are high enough to go in.


Anyone with recommendations for a CO2 monitor that is C1D1 compliant? Seeing them for about $325 from gas detector supply.