
Hello. I just invested into a closed loop system, got the dewax colum and looking to make live resin. My question is can i go str8 from the plant into into my material colum or do I HAVE TO freeze my material? Do i need my both my colum and my tane to be subzero or just one or the other? Any help would be greatly appreciated


try the search bar?

Bunch questions tons answers

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Nope 1st time on the websibe dont know anything about it

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That magnifying glass will be ur rabbit hole!

It’s at the top the page…try live resin to start


pre freezing your material takes less cold away from your injected solvent and makes it pull less waxes


Will dry ice work to freeze my material?


Put fresh live material into the closed loop column, vac entire system -30, dry ice your column and collection base, wait and dont turn off vac ~15min. Right before you inject cold solvent, close valve to vac, and open solvent valve …


Yes that’s what i use to cryo my material the nite before. I prepack my columns then put them in my dry ice chest


No need to freeze it creates more problems just buck down your plants and rip off the bud from the stem and pack it in a tube. Pre cooling gas will help with color but I’ve gotten great results in the past chilling and not chilling gas. It makes way better oil tastes better and it’s just easier to deal with. You only should freeze if u can’t run it all or need to store it for later. Theirs no such thing as fresh frozen it’s either fresh or it’s frozen

Wow this is great thanks

So do I take the plant material packet in the column and then add dry ice to my dewax sleve? Also do i use an injection coil to chill butane as well?

You can do what ever really. Depends on what type of quality your going for and end product. I would just use a pre cooler in dry ice. 80/20 gas for sauce. But u got to make sure that the material hasn’t been rained on or anything like that or you’ll have problems.

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Nope its fire in and hopefully fire out. Im going for str8 fire off plant into cloum and blasting i want nice terp sauce diamonds and live resin shatter!

I’ve heard and read the 70/30 blends or straight up n-propane is great for live resin as opposed to n-butane.

(for diamonds)
If your not pushing w nitrogen…U may out to freeze the bud prior to running, w dry Ice

I even let my “live” dry a couple days for better yield same results…use to freeze right off plant

Prior dry Ice freezing live will get u a crumble dry consistency when loading… But you wanna vac sealed it to keep moisture out and freeze it fast when freezing…

But keeping everything cold cold is the trick
…not allowing to thaw moving fast and cold no soak

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