Chasing Barcelona's Piattella

then its down to fluctuations of temp… to get different isomerisations pinned down for each strain…

I can see it now… Triforce og x runts x skittlez x gg 4, grown for full term, washed only 45 seconds, 0 C hand agitated, 26 month, fluctuating 5-10-15C vac sop… here… I… come…

anyone analysed they ff bubble wrap cold cure?

Ive got a coa for a couple, one has a side by side with rosin from the same hash. Ill have to check for differences again but it was pretty similar results from what i remember


any ballpark numbers u may share? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

Ill get the side by side posted up here when i get back in the lab. I dont think there is much to glean with whats routinely tested for in cannabis labs.l to be honest but happy to share

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High Fructose Corn Syrup Piatella jar tech


Is this the strain name or is really :corn: syrup used
I am not kidding when I say
Corn syrup fructose makes decent looking hasj and is used


Strain name my friend


Ah thank god
Was afraid you went hard on the corn syrup


lol you never know these days

Lemon Pie Ho 90u Piatella



got DAMN brother, shit looks :fire::fire:


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Looks amazing! I’ve working with much smaller loafs than yours, and those little ones take a while to get in good point, haven’t achieved to get it 100%, maybe I´m not working with good enough strains in the first place. How long did that beauty was kept in the wrap?

I don’t cure in the wrap
I cure in a jar then when it’s ready wrap it

Thanks for answering. Besides to verify the quality of strains that I’m using, I’ve found yesterday that the place where I was storing it before stopping the curing process, is not at the same temperature as the rest of my working space… significantly different hence every metric I was recording were off :man_facepalming:t2:
I’ll keep working. Your work and @mtnlabs in this and other threads is really inspiring.

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Thank you kindly dm me with any specific tech questions you have


I would be really interested to see these.

All our coas are on the site. Youll find the process is more about morphology than chemotype.