Cbn can give you a false positive for thc on a urine test?

While I was digging through IG earlier today I saw a post that @MyThirdEye_1 made talking about cbn causing false positives in drug tests for thc

Kinda interested, I’m trying to find the actual full paper that @MyThirdEye_1 posted, the above is a snipit of it

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Anyone on here willing to piss for science? If your free of THC in your system but not CBN. Maybe try this for CBG also.


Read the article, they tested cbg, CBD and a few others.

Only CBN gave a false positive and only on one of two testing machines


Have @anon93688 send me 1g of cbn I’ll make it water soluble and try :wink: CBG, I highly doubt would cause a false positive.

Here is what I’d been posting in my ig story. More of an academic poster than a paper but here you go

AACC_Kroner_THC_poster_19_05_26.pdf (232.4 KB)

Yes as stated, below limit cbn inconsistently gave false positives in conjunction with below limit thc (entourage effect maybe?) But yeah I think it stated higher level (+100ng) cbn levels could show a false positive for thc

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That’s sad, we should start a political action committee to abolish urinary discrimination in the workplace. People should be judged on their character not the content of their pee pee, plus it’s just disgusting.


Now I’m curious about d8, and if it would also lead to false positives. There are papers out there stating that eating d8 leads to d8 11hydroxy, but I dunno about drug tests and what not