CBD paired with THC vs THC Free

Hey. I was doing some reading and came across some information that stated CBD is really only effective when paired with THC. Is this true? If so what is the science behind it?
I wanted to make tinctures with 1000mg of cbd in it. But now I’m thinking I should also add some distillate in to make it a 20:1 (CBD:THC) any thoughts or recommendations would be amazing.
Thank you

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Not true

I make cbd edibles for MS patients all the time. Going on 4 yrs with one ms group I help.

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Entourage effect is definitely a thing… Probably what they were referring to… but to say one cannabinoid is not effective without the presence of others is not correct.
Also, the entourage effect includes a lot more than only THC and CBD.
CBD can still be effective by itself.

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Depends on the effect. Bronchial dialation and expectorant properties for asthmatics necessitate thc.

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This certainly suggests entourage effect of multiple cannabinoids has an effect on bioavailability.


Wow! Great job going on 4 years and awesome news to hear straight cbd is working for your patients.
The help is much appreciated and will help a lot of my people inquiring for cbd :slight_smile:

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Great news! Thanks

Interesting read! Thanks for this

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I’ve taken massive doses of CBD and never felt a thing same with my father when we were looking for some reumatoid arthritis relief

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I suffer from a rare form of rheumatoid arthritis called zero negative spondolaropthy (sp). My joints think there is an injury, and fills and fills with synovial fluid, seperating the joint. It makes kidney stones seem like a small cut.

Dm me if you want my daily cbd intake recipe.

I also suffer from very severe migraines. Cbd dabs help, albeit for only 20 mins.


Hmmmm good to know about the migraines. I have been struggling with them for a year or two now… Never really been a big CBD user (no real reason to), but definitely worth a shot. Thanks!

Migraine trick from a migraine specialist

Motrin to help swelling of brain
Benadryl to help sleep
Eat a bag of chips (body needs salt)
And immitrex

No lights or sounds


Never tried imitrex either. Thanks friend!

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Immitrex is kinda weird. 200mg 24hrs MAX or risk a stroke! Aheed to this warning!

I’ve had both shoulders, both knees, both hip sockets drained of fluid in the last 15yrs more times than none would like. It’s no fun. Depomedrol shot and a steroid pack always does the trick for my RH flareups

Gotta be careful with the immitrex depending on what type of migraine you have as well. If you’ve got complex basilar migraines (the ones that have an aura that seem like a stroke - numbness on one side of your body, inability to speak in anything other than jibberish) there are studies that show you risk a stroke using immitrex

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Yeah finding out what kind I am having would probably be a smart first move… The ones I get don’t sound like that though… Usually just a splitting headache (usually on one side of my head and usually the same side), super sensitive to light and sound, nausea, and inability to sleep.

@Demontrich CBD metabolised can convert in 11-hydroxy-THC in very small proportions. I believe edibles made of isolate work because of that

I’m not sure what that means.

Yes, I use cbd isolate for my ms people

11-hydroxy-THC is the metabolite of THCdelta9.
CBD converts into THC in contact of gastric acids which can explain why CBD edibles work

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