CBD Crude..W/D . pricing on 100-200 liters

Getting our wiper up…

Will look to do weekly buys of 100-200 liters of W/D, degummed Crude

What type of pricing is out there for this now?

Looking for crude to have at least 75% total Cannabinoids. with CBD being around 65%

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Everyone wants to pay 150

Consider yourself fortunate if that’s the low mark you’re seeing, lately I’ve had a lot of inquiries trying to hit a $90-110/kg price point. Not a whole lot of margin left for either the farmer or the extractor at those kinds of prices.

Also from what I’ve seen with so many clowns selling lower quality crude at fire-sale prices, barely anybody is willing to pay any higher price for a higher quality product that is filtered well, cold extracted and distills easily.

Txt me boss I gotchu covered

I would rather give it away to people that need it than sell it for $90. At least It feels better on my soul than getting raped no lube style.