CBD Cartridges with above 70% cannabinoids

As we all know here high percentage CBD Distillate crystallizes when left to cool and can’t be used for cartridges due to viscosity, it is that reason that we cut the distillate to achieve a stable product. However my competitors are starting to have higher than 70% cannabinoids and it’s causing loss of buissness to me beacuse I can’t go over 40 ish percent of cbd, and neither can they but they seem to have a source of cbn among others and I’d like to know were this distillate can be bought, who makes it, is it just like cutting your distillate with other cannabinoids, thanks, attached below is a COA of an unnamed competitor of me :grinning:


We sell anti crystallization oil that ranges from 88-96% total cannabinoids. Our carts are all above 80% with terps.

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I’m literally on my way to buy some molecular sieve then I’m making some cbn lol


What’s up with that sop my guy @Kingofthekush420