CBD and Male Reproductive Toxicity

Just saw this… Gonna do some research, but thoughts?

Keyword “does”…sounds like government propaganda scare tactics


Does CBD cause irreversible vaginal growth in men?

We just don’t know.


Didn’t stop me and I was trying to break out of the top end of any scale that ever has been or will be lol


Now vaginal growth would be truly odd, especially considering it wasn’t noted in animals either. Considering these side effects were noted in animals, to include the male offspring of female animals, it’s a little less of a stretch.

Might be important to put a perspective here… Selenium in excess has been linked to hair loss and even nerve damage.

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I was just throwing out a random side effect to go along with their narrative. It was a joke

On the contrary, I do recall seeing a lot that suggested cannabinoids can cause gynecomastia (breast tissue growth) in men. But I always assumed that to be early 2000’s anti-THC propaganda


I have seen at least one study (posted to my IG ) showing reproductive harm in rats. Really high doses though.

Ahhh yes the ESPN/Fox News trick. Its not a slanderous lie if you put a question mark after it. Watch.

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“I’m just asking questions!”

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This is the study they are referring to as far as I can tell. So not just in animals, but in mammals.
carvalho2018.pdf (497.2 KB)

I also found the following study interesting, but of a different concern:
molecules-24-01694.pdf (5.5 MB)

Keep in mind that the dosages used when warnings like this appear are faaaaaar greater than what you could naturally get into your system. Thus making studies like this slighty pointless. As mentioned anything in too high a dose is very likely to be detrimental to your health. I am typing this without having read the paper though, so this is more meant for how we interpret all this new “information” being bombed out everywhere. I find I’m reading a lot of conflicting information from all over the place. But using clear overdosing seems fairly common.

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Breaking Dabs posted this research study on his IG account on July 12th. Some good info there, check it

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Thank you. I’ll go check right meow.

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