Carboxylation - Adding the "a" back to THC

It’s my understanding that the CO2 recarb method runs around 15ksi. Could be that the reaction works even better at higher pressures but that’s just where the data was taken :man_shrugging:

@spdking might have some insight here, he was kind enough to drop me some breadcrumbs previously



If anyone is interested I have some 20l 15ksi vessels sitting on the shop floor that we would let go for a very good bit less than that $180k lol. 17-4PH stainless too


What are yeilds when persuing thca? more specificly cbd to thca

I ran the reaction at 23 bar with decent yields


Is there a source for the pressure recarb method?

Wrong thread, sorry. Don’t know how to delete.

Bumping another old thread here, but this one is somewhat amusing. Yes, a cannabinoid like THC can be re-carboxylated via synthesis, but it’s not a commercial process. You have to rip off the proton with a strong base like LiTMP then quench with CO2. The regiochemistry will likely give a mixture, but it is synthetically feasible. You would have to use chromatography to separate out the isomers.

The real question is why even decarb it in the first place? Yes if it needs to go into an edible or vape pen, but otherwise, why not just isolate THCA and use that and the HTE as basic feedstocks?

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I bet of you read the thread, you’d probably find the list of reasons this is commercially interesting:

Novel compounds
Separation/isolation of API by crystallization where not otherwise possible
Production of THCa products from low cost feedstock as a scalable process


That’s an interesting reaction. In my limited experience with resorcinols, the addition reactions don’t work as well when the phenols are capped. I have found that Geraniol adds to resorcinol with just a hint of acid at room temperature. Once in, a second addition is much more complicated.

Because CBD is cheap and bountiful, THCa is not.

Plenty of sound financial reasons lead me to wonder about the feasibility of the chemistry


Good point, thanks!

…but why when so much cannabis is being grown and processed. “Litres of disty get pumped out” has been said around here, who’s getting those grams off the litres of disty for 20$? Not dispensaries, not the common man.

I can’t fool myself into believing there’s not a fuck load of thca out there and I can’t stop thinking to myself and won’t ever stop thinking to myself “Well there’s so much out there, why isn’t it cheap?”

Welcome to a government controlled industry.


If it were the same price as CBD, nobody would take the risk to produce it. Gotta pay to hop over those barriers to entry or pay for the risk factor of being unlicensed.


See Also: If it was affordable to the consumer no one would want to make more of it to sell more of it. I get licensing is expensive and all that and in no way do I advocate for the bm. … I just hate knowing that there’s so much cannabis out there and a fuck load of disty out there, there’s so much out there people ask what they can do with it. They’ll make pens, conversions, isolates, edibles, topicals, suppositories; all with disty and these products aren’t too expensive, I’ve seen disty made edibles for as low as 25$ but I’ve never seen 25$ grams of thca, why? Because I couldn’t tell you… They do everything else with it including making things to shove up your ass and sell it affordably but when it comes to dabbing it, 70$-90$ a gr. Tell me the logic

You’re misguided and not in the trenches enough to understand the pricing structure.

If you want me to explain in private I’d be happy to explain the way it works.


THCA cystals should be about $10 a gram now. I want a way to reply to the whole thread, but haven’t figured anything it out yet, i’m new here. Wanting to know this process. Hemp Derived 95% D9 distillate is $1K for 1000ml. THCA distillate is $5K for 1000ml. THCA is legal. Hemp derived D9 isn’t, and can’t sell it as medically derived and also need a background check for that side of the business. I have the wholesale liscence and am sitting on the hemp derived D9(and powder and CBD) so turning it into a THCA that has a much higher conversion to D9 rate than natural THCA is a goal. One kilo(1000ml) of the distillate turns into 5 kilos of freeze dried and nano sprayed polysorbate 40/80 powder at 20% d9, and each kilo of powder is the same price as the kilo of distillate. Each kilo of pure CBD is about $200 and can be converted into isolate and into d8 or 10 or maybe 9. If all else fails, i can turns the distillate into the powder by mail, but then i have to use it for gummies or drinks. Turning it into the crystals or even the THCA distillate for vapes would be preferred, though money-wise, i bet i could make more with the powder into gummies or drinks or measing with the CBD. All i need to buy are terpenes and baggies or boxes. I have my heart set on vapes though. 1000ml into 1000 vape tanks at $1 a vape tank my cost, or add the few pennies for bulk tanks at the end of the price of the retail price($20 to $70 depending on addition of CBD ratio and Terpenes). The math is good.

If you’re tying to make the best use of a few kilos i doubt recarboxylation is going to be a viable route even if you can find someone nice enough to toll it out for you.

Also THCA distillate isn’t a thing.


Yust by cbd-a and convert to thc-a :upside_down_face:
Recarboxilating is not a viable route at scale money wise