Cannabis sex testing maine

meh… when he learns how to reliably post anywhere other than cannabusiness (moving to testing & analytics…) or search before posting, or actually gives useful advice, then he’s paid his dues…

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Lmao, I asked for clarification on his goals. Vague posts seeking answers usually could use some sprucing up with more… It’s not that we aren’t aware of testing. It’s that we’re aware who asked and how much was missing. If you can’t see the nuts on the plant I’d tell anyone to give up while they’re ahead. Vs pheno chasing and breeding and pollen hunting like a pro… wind chime tek maybe did make me ask for clarification however :sweat_smile: no hard feelings

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There was no incident! 1. The tank was empty 2. When it was full it was on a shelf, chain was just back up incase it was bumped. And 3. It was just set up and ran like that once as a test run before my buddy picked it up … for the last last time this time

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Lol but thanks

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Wretched, wretched girl!!!

If he grew an beard and some glasses, that’s your twin mad scientist. :wink:

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It can be done with a 200-500$ pcr machine (96 wells even) and 200$ worth of reagents but the prep and the electrophoresis (only 20 wells) takes time and maximum attention to detail. The real bottleneck in regular pcr work is always going to be time (fuckn loading gels sucks) and talent.

Course there is qpcr but the reags and instruments (20k) are much more expensive and prep is more complex but the results are 96 wells done in parallel in ~2hrs.

Could definitely go on about more reasons pcr sexing sucks as a business model but suffice to say that 20$ per test is a steal for the customer.