Cannabis beverage question for a fellow processor

Hello geniuses and street scientist I have had great luck with water soluble cannabis beverages for 3 years plus now but this question is for a fellow processor who does not use water soluble but uses infused honey with lecithin as a their go to as they are just making for them. They are mostly successful but with some of their batches they find that they explode sometimes from what they told me they use some preservatives and then juice and their infused honey and usually it doesn’t look super emulsified as it is always sitting on top ( the infused honey that is) what are the likely culprits for the pressure buildup in the few runts? If you have the time shoot your shot please! Anybody else constantly get banned on all their accounts on Facebook for trying to talk positively about or for defending cannabis? ( currently banned on 3 accounts! xD

…hold my beer

Fermentation. Which produces CO2.

They need to add proper sanitation and pasteurization to their protocol.


Lol! Sweet I wanted more opinions to have more to lean on but that’s what we were thinking. Thank you!!

It sounds like mead to me, and I know mead


One soda company i knew had this happen on their first batch before they knew what they were doing. A whole transport truck full of exploding bottles.

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A very nice Italo-French movie was made about that story. :grimacing:


This reminds me of my last conversation with @TheFeds

Try some Potassium Sorbate perhaps. It’s used to inhibit fermentation or mold.

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