Cannabinoid and Terpene Chirality

So, looks like new studies are coming out, I’m sure more will follow. I have been wondering about this for awhile, but I don’t like bringing up concepts without some sort of backing.

Credit to @theyogibear for this one:

All you conversion/synthetic chemists and terpene companies might have to pony up soon lol

All I mean by that is, is anyone doing anything to ensure they’re not flipping the spin on these molecules?

I want to tag some people I know are doing conversion chemistry but don’t wanna put anyone on the spot. I hope you all will just give your perspective here.


I wonder what flips these molecules… Would be curious if even smoking or vaping something flips anything too. Or even if any kind of gc/HPLC could even test for it.


Anyone here using chiral HPLC or GC columns? Or maybe Europium chiral shift reagents in their NMR tubes? Not sure if that phenol is close enough to a chiral center to see twinning peaks…

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There are definitely methods for chiral chromatographic separation. Supposedly SFC is very good for this

I can’t say much.

There is a difference between natural and synthetic noids.

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People use enantiomer loosely here, not knowing the chemistry. If a compound has multiple chiral centers, all of them must be flipped at once to give an indistinguishable enantiomer. Otherwise a diastereomer is produced, which can be separated by ordinary methods. Knowing the mechanism by which your reaction operates, one could infer whether this can happen or not.