Best Cultivation Podcast

The two I always listen to are The Pot Cast and Cannabis Cultivation & Science podcast. The Pot Cast has some of the best long form interviews with breeders ive ever heard. They usually take awhile to get a new one released, but they’re also around 3 hours long. Tad Hussey’s cultivation podcast is another good one. He covers everything from hemp, beneficials, to lighting, etc.What’s everyone else listening to?


Agreed, Tad has the best podcast on growing by far.

Do you guys listen to Cannabis talk 101?

The Adam Dunn show has had a ton of really talented cultivators on over the years.

I’ve never listened to cannabis talk 101, but I’ll check it out. Any episode in particular? I used to listen to the Adam Dunn show a lot, but not so much anymore. He does pull some great guests tho. Have you guys checked out the Pot Cast?

I like adam dunn show a lot, propagating purpose is a good one too

A big fan of the tad hussey podcast. I usually try to listen to his during night time a couple hours before sleep, i feel i retain information better this way. I’ll check out the Pot Cast later today.

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