B80 in BF during distillation

Neutral is what you wan t
Ph low acidic can isomerize cannabinoids (t5)
And ph hi can do so to now if no powders are present risk is small but
Since you are one of the first :clap::clap:
To place crc treated material in a boiling flask a whole new pandora box might be opened :grin:

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I did this to get the terps because it smelled oh so good. But ended up with something that smelled like nothing at all. Im going to do another run when i get to the lab. I have more crc slabs to use. But im new to all this. Started this year so i apologize if i dont understand some stuff you say. I owe everything to this site. Thanks for the help.


Well as I said before great job
Ask whatever wurst case you get the pic of a spoon back😁
But you have my respect for going where no man has gone before :+1: