5lb Icarus CLS crude retrofit/CRC placement

I got this CLS used from a friend. I have been running it for about a year now. Im pretty familiar with it. There are some extras, material columns, vac ovens, etc.

Then i have added post processing to include winterization, scrubbing, chromatography, distillation.

The guys i bought this from made high end shatters/diamonds/applesauce with it. When i got it i was all about making live resin because of all the cooling coils and such.

As soon as i learned i could make clear from crude it was all over.

Now i just want to make it the most efficient, fastest configuration to extract crude. And i want to add a CRC of course.

First, im probably not running it in the most efficient way. I tried to make extraction go faster by skipping the pre-chilling coil and blasting with room temp tane. I cant skip the dewax column because vacuum runs my whole system (yes all passive). So i dont hold in the dewax column for too long only long enough to suck the tane from the material column. Then i play with the valves to suck out every last little bit of tane.

Now, at this point i have already chilled the recovery pot using the internal coil and a recirculating chiller in a dry ice slurry. If i open the recovery valve right here it will start passively recovering and suck the rest of the tane from the dewaxing column and if need be from the material column.

Then i close off the material column, break it down (or put up another column), and turn the heat to the collection pot jacket and start heat assisted passively recovering. It takes usually up to an hour or so to recover the 20-23 pounds of tane and i lose usually 3# per run. The solvent gets dried by a molecular seive on the way to the recovery vessel.

Thats pretty much my whole closed loop. It takes me 40-80# of dry ice for the first run and at least 40# for each additional run i do that day. Im sure theres lots of room for improvement. Remember i didnt design this i bought it used and made due. Like i said there are a couple things i have removed along the way. They had digital thermometers in each column to monitor the (cryo) temp of the solvent at different points.

I have not been concentrating on dewaxing/cryo temps because i wanted to get the most possible yeild and take care of it in processing. Now i have seen the error of my ways and im looking for clear everywhere.

Where would i put the CRC in my loop? How big/small does it need to be? Can i repurpose my filter stack or parts of it to make one? I have lots of other parts etc also.

Any input at all would be greatly appreciated. I am truly humbled to be here




Material column(bi-directional)

Dewaxing column

Collection pot

Mollecular sieve

Recovery pot


Thanks for laying it out so nicely for us. The 1k word substitutes are very helpful.

You want your CRC between your dewax and collection.

I made mine a dual cart hot swappable…


Wow that would look real purdy mounted up on my rack

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Is that 3" x 24"??
i have a smaller material column i could repurpose into those. Is the filter stack shown somewhere? Sintered discs? Welded?

This was done before @anon56994712’s post got things going here. Mesh socks with magic dirt. Courtesy of @Photon_noir

Worked well. Required recirculating. We were aiming at light yellow not colorless.

The absorbents currently used in @Soxhlet & @Indofab’s CRC are more effective.

Those 3x18 “carts” were scaled to handle about 20lb of material (biomass) in 100lb of solvent. They have independent vac QR, gauge, and prv. And a three-way valve to select which one you’re running through.

Previously we used a 6x36 spoil and ran 125-200lb (5-8 runs) before changing the media. This was designed to make a more consistent product. Every run gets fresh media. If you need 2x or even 3x carts to achieve desired color, spent cart can be swapped while other is being used.

Never got to run it. Ran across it in storage the other day.

Edit: deleted “peyote”. not sure HTF that got in there. auto-correct is wack.


Sweet 3-way valve signage, custom?

you mean the canning jar lid? :rofl:

it needed something. that was what I could lay my hands on at the time.

was planning on anodized Alu once it was in service



I noticed a pretty cool Tri Clamp with a Flashlight Holder in one of those pics… Anyone got a link for those?

Im sure they sell them elsewhere aswell but BVV has them here in both normal and high pressure clamps




Thank You @Badcookieextracts, how funny I thought ive seen everything on there site… too funny… must of missed a page…


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No problem @Unreg, I’ve been eyeing one myself I’ll probably toss it on my next order from them

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Ya the only thing is I would use a high pressure tri clamp now

do you mean high pressure ?

i think they added it on recently

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thats it. looks pretty sweet


ok so im going to use a 3x12 probably and just one to start so i can do 2 runs (one day) of 6# of biomass before swapping it out. is there any added benefit to doing the CR in 2 steps?

like should i put one configuration in my dewaxing 6" filter stack which is like 2"-3" tall per stage and then put another different configuration inline after the dewaxing in a 3" spool x 12 or taller

my thinking here is maximize flow in the flat wide filter to remove fats from the dewaxing then move to a taller narrow column to remove colors which would not flow as fast if it were removing fats inline

I’m just about to set up my CRC as a filter stack below my dewax. My dewax flows through filters down to 3um, and then will go through CRC. Makes sense to have the least amount of bullshit in the oil before going to crc stack

I remember reading in the other thread some people had slow flow with 3" CRC so you may want to consider 6" if you’re trying to go through two 6# runs a day

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I ordered that one…High pressure… Dam that is a Standard one in the pic… :astonished:

Got these from evolved extraction in Canada

Getting closer now!! I need a triclamp filter plate and some adsorbents…

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$37 CAD delivered great price while @Killa12345 was out of town. The only downside is they couldnt give me a tracking number