510 carts leekage and such

I will always be in the dumps sorry :slight_smile:

so 510 carts and how long will they really last.

not a discussion for the commerically minded as we wish to

promote a healthy industry but really a thread for the home user.

so on that note what happens when we reuse carts over and over

again ?

how many times can we do this before the effects out way the gift

of the cannabinoids ?

I shall be honest (if doctors wish to buy my self or others involved in this thread usp cannabinoid we will love you and accept you kept your oath.)

now onto the next street crack lets get it right before they get it wrong :slight_smile:


so I have refilled my cart probably 20 times

I find each time I refill the cart will “set” quicker than before.

an easy explanation of this is poor size increases from friction of

cannabinoid being drawn through ceramic.

high thc content is going to clog straw stem off tube in vape cart.

my thoughts … not the best way too injest this compound.

first 5 cleans cart is good.

so …

new carts

is there a better way for me to take 70 + THC

I want to be here when they forget who walt disney is

what is the safest way with out the conversion to the hydroxy
compound in the liver ?

another we must address is what interactions does on alcohol

have with another.

ie canibbinols or ethanols.

they effect each other when it comes to memory and alzimers

we want to be high but still live as long and as wise as possible :slight_smile: