4 x Across International R-Series Decarboxylation Reactors new and used

Item Model/Manufacturer: R- Series Across International
Description: Ai R-series single/dual jacketed glass reactors are designed for synthetic reaction of different types of materials in a controlled temperature and vacuum environment. Each reactor features adjustable stirring speeds and a constant pressure feeding funnel that allows you to add material to the vessel at a uniform and controlled speed. The built-in condenser makes it possible to recover some materials, also at a controlled rate of speed.
Price: $40,000 for each new unit/ $25000 for each used unit
Current location of item: Eureka Ca
Estimated lead time: Days 7
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: Through manufacturer if available.

4 available 2 are new in pallet and 2 pictured are used. Across International sells these new for $45,000-51,000 each asking $40k for each new setup and $25k for each used setup

Note the two big boxed pallets on the left.

One of the new units has been sold.

Two used units and one new unit are still available.